The room is a long corridor, wide and ten meters long, maybe a hundred, lit rows of shelves filled with neon.
The shelves are lined along the white walls and the center of the room. Some are metal, a lot of wood, beech or pine, a few brightly colored plastic, lacquer-red, electric blue, green-apple. And all, all shelves are folded under the weight of books. Thousands and thousands of books, all with the covers in pastel colors. Some with white covers. The smell of paper and ink deals with every cubic meter of air. The gun becomes heavier in the hand of the policeman and decides to rest his arm stretching along the side of man.
"George put me ... down ... "Silvana has opened my eyes." It 's wonderful George, Martha, who is beautiful ... nice! "
Silvana approaches and caresses the back of a shelf of books filling the eyes of all that color. He closes his eyes for a moment listening to all the words of eternal ink piled up in that last refuge.
Years ago, years before the books of paper were replaced by electronic books. In a short time had not printed anything, so you could have a whole library in a small contraption of a few tens of grams. Then he was banned for environmental reasons, the press of any book or magazine, though as always smuggling rare books were still printed in China or North Korea to be sold at insane prices to collectors who needed to sublimate drives collections what is forbidden. Meanwhile, books were burned in fireplaces or in boilers condominiums saw their futility and the increasingly high price of fuel. Some maître à penser brain dead exploit any residual energy call the "party of progress", semi-pagan rites in which books were burned by the sea.
Then what happened was a small group of dangerous thinkers had predicted. Some computer viruses began to spread like wildfire through the Internet and had selectively destroyed entire electronic libraries. The last remaining books were placed subkey. At first the problem was underestimated, perhaps intentionally. The virus that had been designed and then had some defects, such as changing entire paragraphs, delete some words and replace them with others, change the direction of whole chapters, edit stories. An old writer of detective stories denounced the conspiracy of some governments to "control printing, books and ideas, and then men. " He died of a heart attack the following night. Some intellectuals created the movement "1984", followed by street protests, police charges and deaths. Some angry young men began to attack the post offices and banks to finance the illegal printing of books, both classic and new. They were never violent robberies and lightning, until, after a robbery, an old woman in a car for the run, in a small town in France. The European Commission's response was violent: special laws, suspension of guarantees on personal freedom manhunt. The movement of 1984 seemed to disappear from the face of the Earth, actually had hidden among the folds of everyday life while new electronic books were published, while the classics were either forgotten or published versions updated to the taste of modern audiences. "
Meanwhile, during some searches newly printed books were found in cellars or attics, in the trunk of a car or sport utility vehicles with LPG engines. But if they confiscated every year less and less: the war was finally being won. Need money to print books and covers, and both were now unavailable to those of the group in 1984, decimated by ambushes and betrayals. Now the Commissioner Montroni was the last Italian storage, a the last in Europe. The gun in his hands seemed pointless now, he had won, they won. So why is that knot in my stomach? Only tiredness and stress and everything else that you can not hold on. True?
Suddenly, his instinct senses something behind him and turning around is a matter of a fraction of a second. The door is an image inconsistent for the position: a woman with a shopping bag and a baby in her arms a couple of years. "Hello World!"
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