Incompatibility '
The outline of the bookmark that I bought in London at a big department store (John Lewis) where there was a whole floor dedicated to sewing and fabrics. When you wander in these parts do not fail to pass, also because 'I made friends with the clerk of the department that was Italian.
I really like the fuchsia and their incredible colors but now I have declined to buy (as you see I'm happy to embroider) 'cause every time I last just a year and then decide to commit suicide. Follow the same fate as ungrateful worship heather, I bought every year, attracted by the amazing flowers from the recollection of the intense color and exciting descriptions of the Bronte sisters of the "stormy" English moors. Alas, 'I'll have' killed at least a dozen, using all the tips and techniques 'fanciful to grow them after flowering, before I realized that it was better to give up everything for incompatibility'. Now when I pass to the markets and shops where they are exposed, I think, seeing me, the narrow escape thanks to God ....
That '... the last doomed after her nothing. One could say that the bookmark is "memory" of the rest of the colors match!
be clear, these are the only two desperate cases ... never had any problems with the other plants!
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